Sustainability: it needs us all
Preserving our natural resources for future generations is and always will be a key concern of ours. Sustainable business practices are only possible if there is a balance between economic, environmental and social aspects. We do our bit here – both within the company and outside it.
moving ideas for sustainability
Sustainability is multifaceted. Blum has taken guidance from the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on topics such as the use of resources, climate protection, infrastructure and work practices at Blum.
We use bus and bike at Blum
Did you know?
In Austria alone our employees cover almost 150,000 km in a single day going to and from work. That's travelling more than three times round the world on a daily basis. Given this huge figure, it's important to select the right means of transport – and we also have the climate in mind here.
That's why we encourage sustainable mobility, creating attractive offers as an alternative to driving. Travelling to work by bike or public transport isn't just greener, but far more relaxing too.
Our benefits for travelling sustainably
We'll bear the costs of your KlimaTicket Vorarlberg. This allows you to travel all over Vorarlberg by bus or train free of charge for a whole year – whether to and from work or in your spare time. The only thing you have to do is leave your car at home 4 days a week.
Get a bike through the "Bike to work" scheme. You benefit from tax perks and we subsidise this with an extra allowance. And best of all: you can also use your bike privately.
If you travel to work sustainably, you'll also collect Ecopoints, which can be exchanged for attractive rewards.
Want to know more?
To become ever more sustainable, we develop lots of big and small ideas. We've already put some into practice, while others are in progress for the coming years. Find out more about our efforts towards sustainability in our sustainability report.